Sunday, October 2, 2016

The invisible diseases...from food allergies to chronic pain!

Years ago if someone told me that someone has lyme's disease or chronic fatigue and pain, I probably just thought they need to take some kind medicine and just pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Honestly, I really probably wasn't patient with winers. But now things are different. 

I find myself wanting to explain to someone why even though I look pretty healthy that I can't eat this, I can't do this. I even have people ask when people are trying to sell me their yummy bread and desserts at the farmer's market what can't I would be easier to say what can I eat is a shorter list. When Mark and I got married, I thought our first and only thing to deal with is making sure sugar was not in the food he was eating and the mysteries of sugar and how it works in food whether baked or cooked. We did eat pretty healthy and I read a book called "It's Start with Food" letting us do a Whole 30 diet which dramatically helped me and my allergies and Mark balance out a bit of his highs and lows with blood sugar. We sort of stayed with that lifestyle of just eating meat, fruits, and veggies. Wheat and dairy were definitely out of our lives. Rice was still in (mostly because that was my staple a latin culture you can't have a meal without rice). But overall we were doing good health wise. 

Then our little marshmallow was born, her food allergies were so many that she had to be on the special formula (amino acid base formula) till she was a year and half. Her first scratch test she was allergic to corn, oat, wheat, soy, all nuts, and eggs. Have you ever seen how many things have corn in them!!! Since it isn't consider an allergen issue it will not be highlighted in the warning section. Meaning more reading of ingredients (which thankfully I have done with all of Mark's food because of sugar ingredients). She technically could have dairy but that is what made her have mucus in her stool. Good news is that the corn, oat and wheat are off the list now. Officially we know her reaction to soy and egg (accidental food challenge). Have no idea what happens with an encounter to nuts, but not willing to try yet. Overall she is doing better, but she does take enzymes everyday. During the time when we introduced food to her she wasn't digesting them at all. It all would come out in whole pieces. Making me think, she will never get off this formula till she finally gets nutrients from the food she eats. We went to a homeopathic specialist...well because doctors were kind of unsure what she was dealing with. They saw that had issues with producing enzymes to digest food. After the enzyme intake things have gotten better for the most part. 

But this leads me to my journey. My mom would always notice my worse reactions were after I ate food. Never knew that my body was rejecting the food I was eating. Right now I cannot eat any mammal meat (including gelatin products), no nightshade plants (white potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, all types of peppers like spices), no sugar, no wheat, no rice, no dairy, no soy and no oats. Before I was just eating mostly meat, fruits, veggies and rice. But when I found out that I was allergic to beef and pork...I was shocked that maybe my chronic pain was effected by what I was eating. 

Now that I have been on antibiotics to kill the lyme's bacteria, I have been feeling better. I still have chronic pain and honestly I thought being on a strict diet was helping then this week I had a dizzy spell that I haven't had in over a month. I left me sitting in the middle of a parking lot with our daughter in the stroller probably screaming that she wanted to walk. Since we have moved to a new town and my husband cannot answer his phone at work easily I was struck with who do I call if I need help. Kind of scared me because this hasn't happened in a long time. Then the next day I went for a walk with our little marshmallow and I started feeling dizzy again. My mind goes to all places...what was the trigger. What did I eat wrong. What is next for me to get rid of in my diet. Or is the new medication too much for i need to skip a day or two? So many questions. Then the pain hit yesterday...more than the usually chronic pain. Pain to the point I can't even walk a mile. My husband had to leave me at the park and run home to get the car to pick me and my daughter up. I soooo badly want to enjoy this fall weather and I can't even walk up the stairs of our townhouse without crawling. I keep asking why...maybe there won't be answers yet, but maybe there will be. 

So I did some research and talked to my lyme's there was one test that was done that I didn't completely understand, but learning about it now. I have a mutation of homozygous MTHFR. Which means no matter what I eat health or not my body cannot make it into folate. I can eat all the green veggies with folic acid, but all it will do is jam up on the highway of process and leave me more sick. I am still learning about this because I just found out about it this weekend. Now I need a new supplement methylfolate that will help me finally get the folic acid I need for my body from the food. We will see what that does. I guess from all those questions is I have a genetic defect that has made me unable to get better. Which makes me feel a little better since I have done all the right eating. As for now we will have to wait and see what this supplement does. And now I have more research...if I have this mutation what if that mutation my daughter has is what is causing her not to digest food and all her allergies. My mind can't stop working even though my body hurts...I won't quit learning.

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