Friday, March 4, 2022

New Frontier - Chp 2 - Part 1

Chapter II


“Why did you come back?” Myka asked. As she stood at the door of the tent.


Mic put his hand on her back to guide her towards the corner away from the other team members. The sight of the tornado scared him but didn’t want to insight fear only that they needed to move quickly. He whispered, “The tornado changed direction. We need to get out of here.”


Myka kept her shock and fear buried. “What do you want me to do?”


“There is a break in the storm North of us. We need to get the pyloxes and ride away from camp.” Mic’s whispered turned to his authoritative voice, “Candor Team, I need your attention please.” Mic took a few steps forward he pondered on how to start his orders, “We need to head north on our pyloxes soon. Pack up any loose items back into the shipping containers. This storm is bad, but there is a break not far from here. As soon as you are done, suit up and meet us at the pyloxes.”


Myka and Mic left to get the pyloxes prepared for departure. They had two unloaded from their containers but still needed to unload two more. Keeping one eye on the tornado, they swiftly unloaded the pyloxes. What took a matter of minutes felt like hours.



After Mic and Myka had left the tent Harkle blurted out, “What do you think he is doing? Aren’t we safer inside?”


The continued sound of thumping on the side of the tent heighten while each team member looked at each other for confirmation or rebuttal of what Harkle just said.


Finally, Tica spoke up, “If there is a break in the storm it might make more sense to head towards it.”


“I don’t think Mic is telling us everything.” Harkle continued.


Etheridge was starting to fume inside. She was best friends with Myka and respected her and her decisions. And if she had decided to follow what Mic had said it would be for a good reason. Etheridge struggled with Harkle’s insubordination. She didn’t want him on the team in the first place but knew that it wasn’t her decision.


“Team, I don’t care what you all think. Right now we need to follow orders. I have been with Mic for many missions and he has ALWAYS had the team’s best interest at heart.” Etheridge paused only to notice they were all still frozen in what she assumed was fear. “Start packing and MOVE!”



As the team filed out the tent carrying some of the trunks of supplies that they could hook onto the pyloxes, Mic couldn’t see any of their expressions but knew their silence meant a lot. He could lose team members by making this bold move, but he knew staying could mean losing everyone. By now the team must have seen the tornado in the distance heading towards them. He hoped they realized the urgency in his decision, but no matter what he first needed to follow God’s direction, not his teams.


Mic shouted out instructions, “Myka take Etheridge and Harkle. Declan take Luz and Pence. Ch’aska take HuSiy and K’antu. I will be taking Tica and KuKuYu. Each need to help load a few supplies on each pylox.”


After everyone was loaded up, Mic looked out toward that ball of light. Was he the only one that saw it? What if they saw it? What if they don’t see it? Mic just shook those thoughts out of his head and pointed in the direction of the light and shouted, “Head north. I’ll take the lead. Myka you take the cola.”



Lekla noticed as he got deeper in the storm that the wind tunnel was turning towards the camp and gaining speed. He let out a clicking sound that helped catapult his roncol forward. He squinted through the storm trying to see any movement of the creatures. He started to make out some dark specks getting closer with a bowl of dust following behind. His thoughts started racing, why are they so fast? They don’t seem to be on two legs like I saw them before. Maybe they are riding their own roncoles. I am surprised they decided to leave their camp. Most people would assume staying inside would be safer. As the gap between them shrunk Lekla finally realized he might not know how to communicate with them. He wanted them to follow him back to his underground cave. Would they be more scared of him? He looked quite different from them. They might be expecting that this planet is vacant. Would they be more afraid of him than the storm? Every gallop his roncol took meant the chance to save lives.



Mic had his eyes fixed on the ball of light. The closer they got an outline of a figure appeared. He wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing. Something or someone was in the middle of that ball of light. Was it possible that this is an angel? Could there be an alien race on this planet? He knew that this team could see the outline of a creature by now. He might be the only one that saw the glow of light around it. He still felt the urge to draw closer to the creature. His team remained silent even with the looming danger coming behind them and the possible harmful alien race coming at them. Mic had accidentally overheard their previous discussion in the tent. He understood their fear, but how could he comfort them? What advice could he tell his team? This was not home. They couldn’t just call for help to rescue them. The rocket that had dropped them off already returned to the main spaceship and it will be out of range for communication for at least two weeks as they orbit around the planet. And the next chance for a rescue could only happen for at least 45 days.


They reached the creature riding towards them within minutes of their departure. Mic finally broke the silence, “It looks like we aren’t alone here. Assume he or she to be friendly. They know this place better than us. --- Maybe he or she will know where to hide from this storm. Agreed?” With that, each teammate said, “Yes, sir.”



For a moment Lekla slowed his roncol down hoping that they would too. When they both reached close enough, he noticed they all had put their extra head back on. Oddly, they all had the same skin or fur. Maybe they all came from the same mother? But then why were their second heads all different. Should I try to speak to them? Do they have another language? His thoughts were only a distraction. He decided he didn’t want to waste time by confusing introductions, so he turned his roncol towards his cave motioning the creatures to follow him. He raced forward hoping they would all beat the storm. Lekla prayed, “Why did you lead me to this group, Great Ch’uya?” He had no idea what he was going to do next, but he was hopeful that the Great Ch’uya will give him answers.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

New Frontier - Chapter 1 Part 2

Back at the tent the team was feeling uneasy with the storm sounds.

    “Why does he want to do the fixing by myself?” Harkle asked.

    “I agree. We are stronger than Myka. We could help.” HuSiy added.


    Etheridge countered. “Myka is the second in command. She needs to be by his side and know what he is facing.” Etheridge was Myka’s best friend and trusted her and the leadership of Micmash. He had brought them through some very scary research trips. “Why are you so unsure of them going out there alone? They have fixed the tent before on Antac and Tatac in worse conditions.”


    Harkle replied, “I just think this place is different. We have no one to get us out of here if this storm destroys everything. We always had an escape plan back in our previous expeditions. The ships weren’t far away to pick us up if we needed help.” Harkle had a tendency to challenge his leader. Sometimes it was needed when it came to mechanical issues with the machines, but he liked to argue about things that he didn’t have expertise in. He was uncomfortable with Mic’s quiet pensive way of leading. Mic would analyze the situation before he would make a move, but it always seemed too long for Harkle. Even though he saw that Mic did make good choices he often wondered if in a serious situation he wouldn’t be able to make a quick decision.


    “That is very true. I know we have had bad storms before but this one is worse.” Ch’aska said while drawing closer to her husband, HuSiy. They both decided to come together on this exploration. The Achik force discouraged couples traveling together. Both had been on smaller research trips with Micmash but not as a couple. She is a great botanist and he is a great builder, known for his greenhouses and efficient recyclable structures. They had pushed to be placed on this expedition together. Mic happened to have both of them and their talents, but still had reservations on having a couple on board.


    “I still don’t believe everything is alright in Mic’s head.” Harkle mumbled under his breath.


    “Calm down team. Storms happen. Everywhere. Mic and Myka know these tents like the back of their hand. Let them figure the fix out. Trust our leaders. Your fear is only because it is a new planet and we don’t know what is out there.” Tica, the medic, was trying to calm the anxiety of this exploration and it was starting to creep into their minds. This was technically a one-way trip that they signed up for. She had been trained medically that this would happen, but she never thought it would happen days into the expedition.


    Both Mic and Myka stared at the tornado and back at each other. They knew this could be devastating to their team if the tornado changed directions. Thankfully it seemed to be parallel to their position. For now, the worse it could do is tear apart their campsite and leave them stranded.


    “Mic!” Myka said. “We need to fix that covering?” She pointed at the roof where the covering was flapping in the wind.

Every step he took was heavier than the last. Mic wished he had grabbed the anti-gravity boots from off the spaceship.


    “Do you have your hook with you?” Mic asked.


    “No. I don’t.” Myka bit her lip. “Should I go back and get it?”


    “Possibly. Keep an eye on the tornado.”


    Mic glanced around trying to see if there was anything that he could use to grab the flap. It wasn’t flying too high. Jumping for it seemed possible, but would it be safe? He didn’t want to take the chance on injuries early on in their mission. “Let’s go get the hook.”


    “I’ll go back. I think this rope is long enough.”


    “Okay. Has the direction of the tornado changed?”


    “No. I’ll be back.”


    An outline sketch of Myka was the only thing he could see through the storm. The wind gusts would come and go changing directions all around him. He didn’t want to admit it, but this storm scared him. Mic was pushed to his knees either by the wind gusts or God. While down on the ground he cried out to God in prayer.


    “Lord, I need your help.” Mic sighed and continued in his prayer, “I know that you called me to this journey. You are the creator. Can you please give me wisdom? I need to protect my team. Not all of them are followers of you. They trust me to lead them well. I don’t want to lead them to a failed mission and -- Death! Show me a way out!”


    Mic kept kneeling there silently. In a still small voice Mic heard God speak to his heart, What about Antac? What about Tacta? Who was with you there? Mic responded, “You were.”


    A peace came over him like many times before. He opened his eyes checking on the tornado and for any sight of Myka. He saw that the tornado had changed directions slightly. He needed to make a decision fast. He inched his way back to the tent’s entrance following the rope that he was tied to. Each step kept getting heavier. What were they going to do? He glanced back at the tornado. It was turning again. His thoughts started spinning. We need to get out of here! Could we use the pyloxes? We have enough but can they withstand this storm? Mic stopped looking in all directions to see which was the safest route out of the storm. Towards the north there looked to be clear skies. Then a glimmer of light caught his attention. Was it a reflection of one of the suns? Was there something out there? The light was growing bigger and drawing closer to their camp. Follow a small voice spoke to Mic.  


    As Lekla settled up their roncol, he prayed to the Great Ch’uya, “Help me save these creatures from this storm.” When he heard the storm coming across the plains, he knew he couldn’t leave those unique beings out in the middle of it. Ever since he was born in the Zarken Mountains and not on the Pine Forest island he felt different from all his friends. His mother told him that he was a gift from the Great Ch’uya. His friends didn’t treat him any differently so he would go along with what they played, but at night he would stare off into the darkness above and wonder what those bright flashes of fire floating above them were. Some were big, while others moved fast and then disappeared. Everyone that lived on Pine Forest Island never ventured beyond the Zarken Mountains. And the few that did never came back. The Great Ch’uya showed him creatures and places in his dreams that look so different from his own tribe and home he always felt compelled to search for answers. As soon as they had saved up enough supplies, his family ventured out into the ch’in pacha.


    A few days back while riding his roncol trying to collect a missing howle a gigantic boom startled his roncol, knocking him straight to the ground. After he gained his senses, he saw this enormous object falling towards the ground. When it got close to the ground fire shot out from the end of it. He wanted to approach the contraption, but then a large door opened towards the ground and creatures with black skin and red stripes came out walking on two legs like he did. Thankfully he spied on them behind a cluster of rocks. His curiosity grew even more when the creatures popped off one head to expose another head underneath. Each creature’s under-head were all different. The tallest one had dark skin and a smooth top. Another one had lighter white skin but with curly fur on top only. Still others had redder fur top. Lekla was starting to see his dreams come true as one by one came off the contraption. He waited behind those rocks until they unloaded multiple boxes. He didn’t want to spook them, so he returned home when it got close to dark and there was no chance of them seeing him.


    As he rode into the storm, he could see the camp of their makeshift buildings in the distance. But what scared him more was the sand wind-tunnel heading towards them from the west. He sped up his roncol in hopes to get there before the wind-tunnel did. He cried out to the Great Ch’uya, “Help me! I need to find them Wise One!”

Saturday, January 29, 2022

New Frontier - Chapter 1 part 1

 Chapter I


He could see the rush of wind push in the tent walls and out again. He had experienced storms before, but this one was different. He wasn’t sure if this heavy-duty tent would hold up. All he could do was hope and pray. As he glanced at his team he just smiled and nodded. He didn’t want any of them to think that their expedition was any more dangerous than it already was.


They were here to investigate, research, and collect data. They arrived about a week ago. Setting up camp took longer than their usual. The possibility of a storm coming soon after their arrival made them work harder. These types of tents had weathered many a bad storm back home, but this was a new planet. Astronauts before them had landed here, but they were the first team of scientists and explorers hoping to make a settlement and get data to send back home.


Thump Thump Thump…


Something came loose. Micmash tried to hide his concern. “Remember guys, we have gone through storms before. Much worse than this one. Let’s get back to work.”


The crew paused to listen, they nodded and then went back to their duties. Micmash knew he had a great team. They were smart and faithful. They had worked on many sites all over their home planet, from the frozen tundra to the hottest desert. They were one of a dozen teams that were sent to do tests and experiments in rough climates and terrains. All of the expeditions were only to test them before they could possibly get chosen for a new planet exploration.


“Let me check outside,” he said, trying to calm the crew. He knew he had to fix whatever came loose outside.


“Let me help you, Mic.” Myka said. She was Micmash’s second in command. Myka had experience way beyond her years. Her test scores were off the charts, but that wasn’t the reason he chose her. She had a great common sense and very calm persona especially when things got rough. She was a rule follower. That was helpful to keep him in line when he so anxiously wanted to try to do something beyond the realm of their expertise.


Mic and Myka grabbed the body and head gear. Even though the planet’s air quality was similar to their home planet they still were not sure what this storm was stirring up. As Myka held the door for Mic, she tapped him on the shoulder giving him the all clear. Mic skirted through the small opening of the tent door and Myka soon followed quickly closing the door behind her. They didn’t want more debris or storm sand to come into the tent. Myka grabbed the back of Mic’s suit and attached herself with a long sturdy rope. With this storm there is no way they needed to be separated. If they both got lost. At least they had each other.


They could barely walk against the wind. They crept around the tent trying to check all the possible weaknesses. Bursts of sand blasted at their helmets blocking their view. Mic glanced out into the storm hoping not to see what his ears were hearing. He put his hand up to block the sand. In a distance only confirmed his suspicions of how bad the storm was. A tornado.



“It is siquta time, mama.” Lytal said.


“Yes, deary it is. So, we need to stay below for now and away from the door.” Mama grabbed her young’uns and cuddled them close.


“Why is daddy out in the siquta?” Clirt looked up at Mama with a worried face.


“He needs to check on a few of our gardens. To make sure they are safe from the wind.” Mama didn’t need to tell the kids the truth.


“Will he be okay?” Clirt added.


“Oh yes, deary!” She stroked her children’s head hoping to calm her worries down while calming them down too.


They had chosen to move out farther from the tribe a few months back. They wanted to learn more about where they lived. Most of the tribe always stayed in the safety of the Pine forest island. Anytime a family or a person decided to adventure out and see the rest of the world they never came back.


Lekla, the Father, wanted to experiment living in the ch’in pacha that was next to the Zarken Mountains. It was hard at first trying to find a source of water, but after they found large cave underground with a spring. They finally were able to grow planets and raise howles. They were close enough to the mountains that they could easily go back into the tribe and get things they needed or keep up the trade. Mama knew where they lived might not last forever. She could see Father’s spirit of adventure always pulling him into the unknown. She would go along with these adventures as long as they could keep the kids safe. They knew the ch’in pacha brought rough wind siquta so they built their home down below the surface for protection. For now, their life in the ch’in pacha had worked. They were able to grow vegetables and some fruit. The only thing that they couldn’t protect was their meat source. Usually when a siquta comes the howles would run away back to the Zarken Mountains. They tried once to bring them into the cave, but their long curved horns the males had were too big to make it down the hole into the cave. Then the female howles didn’t like to be separated from the herd. It was just easier to let them run for safety and hope they returned the next day. 


Mama knew that something was happening farther out across the horizon. Father came back to the cave in a huff just two days ago saying, “There are creatures here.” She tried to get him to explain, but he would only just sit and stare off repeating the phrase over and over again. She still wasn’t quite sure what to make of his ramble, but when he could see the storm approaching, he got extremely worried and decided to saddle up their roncol and head south into the storm. Of course, she was worried, but she would never show that to her children. She quietly kept it inside and prayed to Ch’uya for safety.

New Frontier - Chp 2 - Part 1

Chapter II   “Why did you come back?” Myka asked. As she stood at the door of the tent.   Mic put his hand on her back to guide her towards ...