Thursday, October 11, 2018

Myrtle Trees

In Zechariah 1:7-17 the prophet had a vision of a man on a red horse in the middle of myrtle trees. At first looked it seemed simple enough, but the word myrtle stood out to me. I did a little research on myrtle trees. These myrtle trees are specific to the middle east area. They are large thick bushes that many would use as a barrier around a building. They usually stand from 8 to 12 feet tall. Great for a warrior to hide behind during war, even if they were on a horse. They bloom white flowers in the middle of spring and early summer. Their berries are purplish in color and almost similar to blackberries. Because of where they live they are very tolerant to drought. They are also deer resistant and they can be grown in soil made of chalk, clay, or sand. These shrubs are extremely a low maintenance plant. They are disease free and pest free. Their leaves are glossy and aromatic. Many of the cultures around there use the leaves for seasoning meat by wrapping the meat with the leaves. 

Even with all these very interesting facts about this plant the one thing fact that caught my attention was the when the plant is crushed it releases a pleasant fragrance. How awesome to think that while the bush is standing there and useful for protecting soldiers, surviving the elements, the most important trait is to be crushed so that a beautiful fragrance can be released.

It is easy be overtaken by the storm you are in the middle of right now. It does not matter whose fault it is for the situation you are in right now. Look at Job nothing that happened to him was his fault and even his best friends blamed him for angering God as a way to explain what was happening to him. The idea is that no matter what you are going through right now, whether a horrible diagnosis, chronic health issues, financial struggles, or relationship conflict, these may seem to be crushing you, but there is hope. While you feel like you are being crushed on every side, you are releasing a beautiful aroma. You can easily be the strongest person that has survived so many storms, spiritual drought, to attacks from others, but each of those times you have felt you have been crushed you have let off a sweet fragrance for the world to smell. 

The next time you feel crushed remind yourself that the fragrance you give off is attracting others to Jesus. You are showing others that no matter what has crushed you that God’s aroma can spread through the pain. Joseph said this to his brothers after they apologized for selling him into slavery, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20

As I kept looking into the word myrtle I found another interesting fact. Queen Esther’s name means myrtle. How AWESOME! What a prime example of someone that was crushed under another kingdom away from her homeland. She may have been crushed by her situation but her fragrance gave her favor to meet the King of Babylon and then become his wife. She once again was crushed by Haman’s plans to kill their people, but she didn’t stop her from stepping forward to try to save her people. She was resilient, she grew beautifully even in a culture that wasn’t conducive to serving a heavenly God. Her name definitely lived up to the meaning of it.

Even if you are thinking right now that you could never be an Esther, that isn’t the reason I told that story. Remember we each have our own situation that we are face with. It is like a gigantic wall that we cannot climb or over take, but just like the walls of Jericho that seemed impassable. The Israelites marched around those walls and sang praises to God. We can still do the same. Circle our wall with prayers and praises as many times a day we need to. And no matter when that wall actually comes down remember that your fragrance during the crushing times will attract others to Jesus. 

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